Online classes are for the sole purpose of facilitating students to continue with curriculum as per the class they are reading in. Due to the worldwide pandemic COVID-19 a study from home module has been created for the learner. The Teachers are using the assisted tools of virtual classrooms via various company programs like Zoom, Google Meet etc in addition to giving assignments through . Classwise whatsapp groups have also been created as well. Following are some norms strictly to be adhered to by both Learner and Teacher.
- Teachers may specify time of class.
- Teacher may start with Attendance and disallow latecomers to class.
- Teacher may request for Parents not to participate in any way or form in the class.
- Teacher may disallow any student not in School Uniform.
- Teacher may disallow parents from directly contacting her at all times and ask them to contact coordinator/incharge for any queries they may have.
- Teacher may make dormant the Whatsapp groups after class if on whatsapp.
- All Zoom classes to be suspended by 12 Noon or latest 2pm. No afternoon/ evening classes.
- Students may be asked to prepare their queries on a given topic one day in advance.
- Teacher will dress appropriately for every class.
- Teacher may suspend class if any student/students found violating norms of good conduct and report the same to her coordinators.
- Teacher may report all misdemeanours of conduct expeditiously for further action to be taken against violators by the school authorities.
- All students to dress in School Uniform.
- Use your Real Name as registered with the school for mobile whatsapp group and Zoom. No fancy names etc will be entertained. You will be asked only once to rename to the correct name and if you don’t you will be removed.
- Mute your audio all the time so that any noise of your home does not disturb the class.
- You may unmute only when you are asked a question and once you have answered you need to mute again.
- Keep your video off if you have a weak connection. Once connected keeping video on is mandatory. 5 minutes will be given for connecting. Enable Video option while joining must be switched on.
- Annotation feature will be disabled by the teacher so raise your hand for any query.
- All students to sit in neat environment with the book/copy of the subject available.
- Student may not interrupt Teacher while she is explaining a concept. She will ask for queries, only then student may put forth their query.
- Students may not ask similar questions.
- Parent of students are strictly disallowed from entering the frame of the screen.
- Students to strictly adhere to specified time.
- Student may not eat snacks or food or drink water while in the frame of the class.
- Student may ask to be excused in a dire need.
- Students may not talk to one another throughout the duration of a given class.
- Students may not pass any comment, use any inappropriate language.
- In case of whatsapp groups neither student nor parents will post any objectionable material.
- In case of whatsapp students are strictly prohibited from posting any personal questions/ materials for any student or teacher in the group.
Students are required to maintain complete decorum and if found guilty of any violation will not be allowed to attend any further classes. The School authorities may take punitive action by way of suspension or rustication depending on severity of the violation.